This is my first week to be at home while we wait for baby to come. It's been so great.
Wednesday I made a grocery list but was too tired to actually go to the store. So today was the day I would go to the store. All went well, I mosied up and down each isle in no rush. I finally had all the items crossed off my list and headed up to the check out counter. Much to my suprise the first register I pulled up to had only one person standing in line. It was an older gentleman who was questioning the price of one of his items. As I was emptying my cart the manager came over to help the checker. I was almost done emptying my cart when the manager looked at me (for the 4th time) and said, "Oh hun you know this lane just turned into an express 12 items or less right? It looks like you have more than 12 items." I just stood there and stared at her for a minute, looked up at the lane light to see the express lane-just-light up. At the moment the checker looked down at the belt and said, " ouhhhhh". That was it. So I started to de-load my items from the belt back into my cart to move to another lane. This is when the prego hormones kicked into HIGH gear...Instant tears start rolling down my face as I continue to remove my items. Now anyone who has gone grocery shopping with me knows I have a strategy in unloading my cart onto the belt. This drives my husband crazy!! I sort my groceries out as I place them on the belt-boxed foods, dairy, meat, vegies, cans all go on together so they are bagged correctly. As I was taking my items off the belt I was thinking about how nicely I had placed them in my cart from the beginning so it was easy to unload quickly. I just didn't care anymore and was throwing everything back into my cart and the tears just keep coming and coming. This is the moment I realized I am done. I am ready to just stay at home and wait for this baby to come. I am exhausted and just wanted to get home as quickly as possible. When I was walking out of the store I was greeted with a downpour of rain. I stood outside under the awning for a few minutes and decided I could care less I just wanted to get home. So I threw the groceries in the trunk and jumped in the car without being completely soaked.
I am so happy to be home. Eating some amazing Kraft Mac & Cheese and ready to curl up on the couch. This baby has mama's emotions all stirred up today. I can't wait to find out what happens when I actually hold it in my arms.
Happy Friday to you all!