August 01, 2011

Nadia Ruth 6 months

It's today.  She is 6 months old.  In a way it is hard to believe.  But as we pause and think of these past 6 months we've gone through a lot with her.  She is a little girl.  She is long. (10lb. 11oz. and 25 inches @ 5mos)  She has struggled to gain weight.  She eats a ton; still every two hours.  Mama feeds, pumps, and rests.  We pray.  She is so happy.  Beautiful. Strong.  She smiles with her eyes. It melts your heart. She giggles at her brother.  He adores her.  He protects her. He protects Mama too.  She lights up at the sight of Daddy.  Her eyes follow to catch his attention. God is good.  She is His.  What a gift he has given us with her life. Mama cries. She is joy-filled.  Eucharisteo.

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."
Sara Ban Breathnach