August 20, 2011

my ♥ Evan

He's a superhero.
Funny boy.
Just having fun. All day. Every day. Wearing the goggles.
This is how we've seen Him this week.
Just loving life with goggles on and Elle Omaha in hand!

We ♥ you Evan Alan! Stay the fun boy you are!

if we could

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change."...Buddha

August 19, 2011

Late summah is for

park days!

"mom, I'm picking up these sticks so we can make a fire and roast marshmallows."

 "I found this icky water bottle."

 "I'm going to throw it in that trash can, mom."

happy girl playing at the park

getting Mama .

 blue skys


mandatory lemonade breaks

cheesy cheese

hey, I know you

August 11, 2011

He will visit

Have your heart right with Christ,

and He will visit you often,

And so turn

weekdays into Sundays,

meals into sacraments,

homes into temples

and earth into heaven.

~Charles Spurgeon

August 05, 2011

Camp Gma/Gpa Lucas

What happens when Grandma and Grandpa ask to take Evan home with them for a couple of days:

Lots of "Bob the Builder" watching
Craft time making hats and mustaches for his babies.

County Fair time:

Don't be alarmed it's just a crocodile.

Hungry hungry crocodile.

Always a fun time at Camp Gma/Gpa!  What a blessing you are to us!

August 03, 2011

Her chatter

Most mornings and days are filled with this lovely chatter.  I think she is saying 'brother' here. Oh brilliant child of mine, stay forever young.

August 01, 2011

Nadia Ruth 6 months

It's today.  She is 6 months old.  In a way it is hard to believe.  But as we pause and think of these past 6 months we've gone through a lot with her.  She is a little girl.  She is long. (10lb. 11oz. and 25 inches @ 5mos)  She has struggled to gain weight.  She eats a ton; still every two hours.  Mama feeds, pumps, and rests.  We pray.  She is so happy.  Beautiful. Strong.  She smiles with her eyes. It melts your heart. She giggles at her brother.  He adores her.  He protects her. He protects Mama too.  She lights up at the sight of Daddy.  Her eyes follow to catch his attention. God is good.  She is His.  What a gift he has given us with her life. Mama cries. She is joy-filled.  Eucharisteo.

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."
Sara Ban Breathnach